This crockpot carnitas recipe is so simple to make and it’s packed with flavors. They’re not only gluten free but the easy-to-find pork shoulder...
This hearty White Bean Chicken Chili Recipe made in a Crockpot is so easy and flavorful. Packed with spicy chilis, creamy white beans, and...
This is the only Crockpot BBQ Pulled Pork recipe you need this summer. It is easy and flavorful, all made in a slow cooker....
This simple one-pot pulled chicken recipe is made with masala spice. The chicken is slow cooked for hours until juicy and tender. It is...
This easy Coconut Thai curry Chicken is so flavorful and quick to come together in your crockpot or instant pot. It makes the perfect...
This 8 ingredient, sweet Eight Treasure Congee is A Traditional Chinese Porridge. Easily made in a crockpot Or Instant Pot, this recipe is packed...
Is there anything better than a healthy Instant Pot recipe? I don’t think so! These 20 healthy instant pot recipes are quick and easy...
Homemade BBQ spice blend that is smokey, salty, spicy, and so easy to make. This fragrant BBQ dry rub is perfect for grilling, smoking,...
This flavorful, tender, and juicy Instant Pot BBQ Chicken recipe is the perfect crowd pleaser and easy to make. this BBQ pulled chicken recipe...
Summer is about to be in full swing and we all know what that means. We are going to celebrate 4th of July! This...
I have put together 20 plan-ahead, freezer meals for new moms that require minimum effort when needing something simple and filling, these postpartum-friendly meals...
This Instant Pot Butter Chicken is tender, juicy, and coated with a velvety sauce flavored with indian spices. It pairs perfectly with cauliflower rice...